Welcome to
Big Hollow Guitars
I have honed my design until it has only what is essential – for tone, for beauty, and for enjoyment. The inspired pursuit of this goal has been a 20+ year journey which has brought my work to collectors all over the world. A Big Hollow guitar is unmistakable, from first glance right on through till the last note stops ringing (trust me, it can take a while).
Through working with luthier Bevan Frost you can help shape the vision for your next (favorite?) instrument.
“The Guitars’ over-all voice is great. Frost has somehow managed to make it feel and sound old right off the bat- with a sense of immediacy in the response; surprising dynamics and projection; and a warm, complex tone, well balanced between fundamentals and harmonics as well as among the registers.”
– Adam Perlmutter, Acoustic Guitar Magazine

“Frost’s focus, dedication, and willingness to chase down his ideas through several iterations of design have made him one of the finest luthiers working today, young or old, and his fresh approach to traditional processes yields exquisite instruments.”
– Matt Fox, Fretboard Journal